Professional Storytelling
The experience of working with children inspired Louise’s passion for storytelling, as she discovered how quickly a child’s imagination can be captivated by the intimacy of storytelling . Since 1993, Louise has been performing as a professional storyteller with young children and adults at festivals, outdoor events, libraries, museums, galleries, bookshops, cafes, schools, preschools, and child care centres. See Louise tell a story, the Magic Blanket.

Louise is fascinated by the capacity of storytelling to speak to both the hearts and minds of listeners. Her doctoral study titled “Young children’s active citizenship: Storytelling, stories and social actions” found that through storytelling young children were provoked to take social action against injustices. The art and pedagogy of storytelling continues to be central to her teacher education and research. To read more about storytelling as pedagogy see:
Related Publications

Phillips, L.G., & Nguyen, T.P.T. (Eds.) (2022). Storytelling pedagogy in Australia & Asia. Palgrave Macmillan.

Phillips, L. (2013). Storytelling as pedagogy. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 21(2), iiiv.

Phillips, L. (2012). Retribution and rebellion: Children’s meaning making of justice through storytelling. International Journal of Early Childhood, 44(2), 141156.

Phillips, L. (2012). Emergent motifs of social justice storytelling as pedagogy. Storytelling, Self, Society. 8, 108125.1.

Phillips, L. (2005). Stories: The Bridge of understanding. Educating Young Children, 2729.

Phillips, L. (2000). Storytelling: The Seeds of Children’s Creativity. Australian Journal of
Early Childhood, 25(3), 15.

Phillips, L. (1999). The Role of Storytelling in Early Literacy Development. Rattler(51), 1215.